WILLEMSTAD: Banco di Caribe recently supported the eighth edition of 'The Annual Fitness Challenge' by ‘Fundashon Alton Paas’. It was after two years, that the foundation could organize their largest fundraising event again. The challenge took place at the International School where participants could visit three different areas of physical activity. ‘Fundashon Alton Paas’ main objective is to improve the quality of life of people suffering from spinal cord injury and other neurological problems. The Annual Fitness Challenge brings the community together to exercise and raise funds for those who are movement impaired
About ‘Fundashon Alton Paas’
The foundation’s vision is to promote inclusion by organizing special programs, social events and by arranging suitable transport. The foundation offers their 'Wheelee Service'; a special transportation service to help people in wheelchairs get out of their house and stay socially active. ‘Fundashon Alton Paas’ makes great efforts for the ones with a disability. For example, the AP Center offers people suffering from paralysis the opportunity to do various exercises and receive therapy. Banco di Caribe supports the efforts of ‘Fundashon Alton Paas’ and wants to contribute to the foundation's initiatives to create further awareness within the community and to improve the quality of life of all those with a disability.
Banco di Caribe congratulates ‘Fundashon Alton Paas’ on another great ‘Fitness Challenge'. All those who wish to make a donation to ‘Fundashon Alton Paas’ can easily do so via a bank transfer on the name of Fundashon Alton Paas; Shopping Center Colon Unit 4, account number 31285401 at Banco di Caribe.