Banco di Caribe’s second annual Play & Stay Tennis Tournament was a success!
WILLEMSTAD- OCT 2018: This year marks the second annual ‘Banco di Caribe Play & Stay Tennis Tournament’ at CSC, Damacor. More than 50 kids participated in the tennis tournament, which was divided into three categories; red ball for kids between 6-8 years old, orange ball for kids between 8-10 years old and green ball for kids between 9-10 years old.
The results:
Banco di Caribe congratulates the parents and their kids with the results, since it is extremely important for the parents to accompany their kids throughout the tournament. The enthusiasm was displayed both on and off the court. Even though everyone is a winner, the following participants excelled in the tournament: first place winner in the red ball category was Zhenu Windster, Diya Raghani in the orange ball category/girls, Jevahn Josephia in the orange ball category/boys, Zena Wagner in the green ball category/girls and finally, Kayden Domacasse in the green ball category/boys. The sub-champions of the Banco di Caribe Play & Stay Tennis Tournament were: Amara Zimmerman (red ball category), Zoeh Nicatia (orange ball category/girls), Leonardo Winkel (orange ball category/boys), Nahla de Lanooi (green ball category/girls) and also Kennard Gallardo (green ball category/boys).
Banco di Caribe is pleased with the successful results of the tournament and is eager to continue supporting the growth of the tennis sport and the development of the kids. It is important for the kids to keep practicing in order to improve their technique. Banco di Caribe thanks Mr. Francis Hoyer of The Curaçao Tennis Foundation, the participants, the volunteers and the parents who came to support the kids.