All scheduled payments containing the former name of the beneficiary institution will be rejected after the modification date. Therefore, you must delete all previously scheduled payments with the former beneficiary name and recreate them again by using the new name. Please notice that you need to confirm the deletion of these schedules in ‘pending approval schedules’. This can be done by following the next steps:
Step 1:
Go to, select your market and logon.
Step 2:
Once you are logged on, click on ‘Payments and Transfers’> ‘Transfer Schedules’> ‘Manage Open Transfers’.
Continue by selecting the scheduled payment(s) you like to delete by checking the box on the left of the payment. Next, click on the ‘delete button’ on the top panel and confirm the deletion on the pop-up window that appears on the screen.
Step 3:
To approve the deletion of your scheduled payment(s) go to ‘Payments and Transfers’> ‘Transfer Schedules’> ‘Approve Pending Schedules’. Select the scheduled payment(s) you like to confirm the deletion in BdC Online by checking the box on the left of the payment. Next, click on the ‘approve button’ on the top panel and an authorization window pops up.
Turn on your token by pressing the arrow key and enter your four-digit pin. Then press number ‘2’ on your token and enter the eight-digit challenge code from the authorization window in the token. Once you entered the challenge code in your token, press and hold the arrow key on your token until the number 2 is shown. Press the Arrow key again and a one-time passcode is generated on your token. Enter this passcode in the authorization window and click on the submit button. You will be notified that your scheduled deletion has been approved.